The Dark Side of Cempluk

Thursday, March 17, 2005
huwee..tiada menyangka bakal pacaran ampir empat bulan..hehehehe. jarang jarang gituh nyampe 4 bulan..
eniwei, ge ujian malah terttimpa bencana...tapi smoga aja ada hikmahnya..:)
dah pertama kalinya posting lagi..kekekeke!
kangen ma blog euy!
Anonymous//11:02 AM

Friday, October 29, 2004
skian lama tak onlen..........huah!
mwah mwah *nyiumin keyboard ma layar kompie*
hmm..lagi sibuk berat neh..ngejer setoran!buat idup..huhxuhxuxh...sibuk biar ntar penelitian dijakarta bisa dibiayai sendiri...
aku kangen liburaaaaaaaaaaaaannnn!aku pengen tidur yang lama
maen the sims 2, maen ps...pokoke maen!
hiks...kapan yak kesampaiannya...T_T

Anonymous//1:42 PM

Saturday, October 16, 2004
let's not talk about ujian!
hauehuhaeuha!bikin stres ajah..
hari ini nonton the school of rock untuk ke 11 kalinya...ples ngulang adegan mereka konser ma jammin' untuk ke puluhan kalinya...iaheiuhauieh!!jadi pedopil nonton ni pilem...
ck ck ck..bener bener deh, ngliat si Kevin Clark as Freddie...ampe ngeces ngeces..kebawa mimpi pula!
ya ampun, knapa umurmu baru spulu taon nak?hiks....hxuhxuhxuhx
eniwei..saya maniak ma pilem ini..xuhxuhx!ga bakal bosen..
kalo semped pada nonton nyesel deh sumpah...
dengan ini kusertakan poto poto mereka..
enjoy it!!

ini poto barengnya....Joey Gaydos Jr and Kevin Clark really do their things...I love Miranda Cosgrove, Rebecca Brown and Robert Tsai too!they really rawks!

okay, this photo really makes my heart melt...hxuhxuhxuh!

Ladies, hold your breath..he's younger than us...*sigh*
damnit, he's cool as he can be!aiehiaehaih
hmm..he was born on December 3rd, 1988..
I'll waiting for your next role, Kev!!

Anonymous//5:32 PM

Wednesday, October 06, 2004
lama kalipun aku tak kemari..
jish..lagi sibuk nehhhhhh!!!
jadi pemred majalah kampus....jadi Standing Comitte (satu satunya anggota cewek!)
trus ngurusin Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah tingkat SMU se DIY..
gyaaaaaaaa!!!!smoga aja smuanya berjalan lancar...
eh..buat yang smsnya stengah bulan ini ga kubales..
sms lagi ya?? aku dah beli pulsa neh...hixhxihxihxih!
The Black Goddes and The Angel of Nightmare Back!!!
dah rapad duluwh

Anonymous//1:43 PM

Saturday, September 25, 2004
seductive flirt
Seductive Flirt

What Kind of FLIRT are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

wew...lutju juga neh...
hxuhxuhxuhxu!I'm a seductive flirt!
eniwei..capek banget ya akhir akhir ini..
heran...tenaga cepet abis...
kbanyakan kegiatan....
pengen liburan kmana gitu yang isinya maen doang..
pengen maen ke dufan!
pengen shopping ke bandung..
huwaaa!duite mbahmu po?
ga ada libur gini....

Anonymous//7:46 AM

Thursday, September 16, 2004
I miss you, miss you so bad...
I don't forget you, oh it's so sad
I hope you can hear me
I miss you..

Anonymous//4:04 PM

Wednesday, September 15, 2004
The Devil Card
You are the Devil card. The Devil is based on the
figure Pan, Lord of the Dance. The earthy
physicality of the devil breeds lust. The
devil's call to return to primal instincts
often creates conflict in a society in which
many of these instincts must be kept under
control. Challenges posed by our physical
bodies can be overcome by strength in the
mental, emotional, and spiritual realms. Pan is
also a symbol of enjoyment and rules our
material creativity. The devil knows physical
pleasure and how to manipulate the physical
world. Material creativity finds its output in
such things as dance, pottery, gardening, and
sex. The self-actualized person is able to
accept the sensuality and usefulness of the
devil's gifts while remaining in control of any
darker urges. Image from The Stone Tarot deck.

Which Tarot Card Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

bener kan...
saya setan..mwakakakakak!
don't judge me from mah physical thingy..
I'm not that angelic kind of person ;)

Anonymous//6:32 PM

jomblo lagi jomblo lagi...........
putus lagi putus lagi...............
jadi jomblo aja ah!!
ogah pacaran...
ga pernah ketemu cowok yang otaknya ga jauh jauh dari seks..

Anonymous//1:56 PM


I am perawan brutal!! This is my blog.


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